Metabolic Meltdown
Metabolic Meltdown is a 4-week advanced workout plan that focuses on strength and power. You’ll learn functional movements that will make you feel like a warrior. Each workout is about 30 minutes and will help you build lean muscle and burn fat. You’ll need a set of dumbbells (or canned goods) and a mat. Download your 4-week printable workout calendar and social media workout tracker to hold you accountable to your goals!
Core & More
ADV | 30-minute strength and conditioning focusing on core. You have 6 mat-based exercises that you'll repeat for 2 rounds, 45 seconds each. You'll finish off with a quick burst of cardio conditioning at the end. Equipment needed: dumbbells and mat
Sculpt & Sweat
ADV | 30-minute intense total body strength workout that focuses on overall strength and endurance. You have 6 exercises that you'll repeat in a descending time format. Let's do this! Equipment needed: dumbbells and mat
Strength Circuits
ADV | 30-minute intense full body strength workout that will leave you strong and sweaty by the end. You'll perform 6 exercises, 30 seconds each, for a total of 4 rounds. Equipment needed: dumbbells and mat
Dirty Thirty Intervals
ADV | 30-minute intense full body strength and cardio workout that will challenge your strength and stamina. Get ready to sweat! Equipment needed: dumbbells and mat
Metabolic Meltdown Calendar
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Before starting this program, take a "Before" photo to know where you started! Share your fitness journey on social media using the hashtag #JJFitSquad. Tag @JennyJFitness to get a shoutout! *If downloaded, you can "click" each day which will direct you to the workout of the day. *If printed, cr...